

Our most significant projects realized all over the world, directly or through our partners. There are several examples of collaboration with architectural studies or directly with the client, because these and many are the needs of small or large companies where our products are present today. Always with a single goal: well-being at work.

n.e.t. srl - Milano

Ferrero Commerciale

Milšped Group - Belgrade

Liebherr - Bergamo

Conase - Ravenna

Frasal - Naples

Carbone Group - Naples

Law firm - Vicenza

Molgroup - Milan

BCC - Milan

Awash Bank - Addis Ababa

Sanimedica Group - Rome

Ecover - Pescara (PE)

Mario Sirtori SpA - Costa Masnaga (LC)

Elitech - Turin

Embassy of Namibia - Addis Ababa

Brand - Naples

Studio Rocca - Piacenza

Supercentro - Taranto

EL. CAR S.p.A. - Piacenza

La Molisana - Campobasso

Andritz - Pescara